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The Power of Paid Advertising for Law Firms
Consultwebs Blog | 01/19/23
An effective marketing strategy needs to be based on both long-term and short-term goals and actions. Paid advertising, or PPC, is a quick and effective way to boost reach and conversions. Here's what it's all about and how you can implement it for your law firm today.
Augmented Reality Meets 5G Technology
The Wax Blog | June 2021
One of the hot topic phrases of 2021 has been immersive technology, more specifically, augmented reality (AR). A main contributing factor to the rise of interest and implementation from digital marketers has been the opportunities that 5G creates for the augmented reality industry.
5 Ways 5G Will Change Digital Marketing
The Wax Blog | June 2021
We are officially living in a world where nationwide 5G technology is an everyday reality. For most people, this means faster phones, internet, and streaming capabilities. For digital marketers, it's a new realm of possibilities just waiting to be explored. As digital marketers, we work in an industry where user experience is at the top of every company's priority list, and with 5G, it seems anything is possible.
What Does Nationwide 5G Mean for IoT
The Wax Blog | May 2021
Since the announcement of nationwide 5G, it seems that almost every day, a cellular provider comes up on the television during a commercial break to tell us that nationwide 5G is going to revolutionize the world. Now, two years after the first introduction, Americans are starting to see 5G phones and plans become more of a common occurrence.
5 Pioneering Companies Leading the Way in Visual Search Marketing
The Wax Blog | May 2021
Visual search marketing is breaking down new barriers for businesses every year and we are seeing this the most in the field of ecommerce. With more than two-thirds of online sales1 being made on mobile devices, utilizing visual search and e-commerce stores is a sure-fire way to increase revenue.
3 Ways Small Business Can Adapt Visual Search Practices
The Wax Blog | April 2021
Small business is known as the backbone of America. In fact, with more than 30 million small businesses across the country, they account for 48% of the country's total workforce. With this being the case, in 2021, one of the biggest concerns regarding the success of most small businesses is the lack of motivation from business owners to adapt to current marketing trends.
4 Reasons Visual Search Is A Top Marketing Trend of 2021
The Wax Blog | April 2021
The term "Visual Search Marketing" has been around for a number of years. Although large companies like Bing, Yahoo and Google have been utilizing visual search technology in their search engines for a while now, it wasn't until recently that this type of technology reached a point where it could become a top trend in the digital marketing world.
How BrandJRNY Became My Journey
BrandJRNY Blog | 12/23/19
Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination. See how my experience with BrandJRNY has shaped my education over the past year in my latest blog!
A Goal is Just a Dream With a Deadline
BrandJRNY Blog | 11/11/19
Having a dream and making it a reality will never be easy but, having that dream is what keeps you grinding through the tough times. Learn how I work every day get myself closer to my dreams in my latest Brandjrny blog!
What Would You Do if You Knew Success Was a Certainty?
BrandJRNY Blog | 10/23/19
Being someone who has first-hand experience venturing into the unknown, I understand the risk and reward of pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. Check out my most recent blog to see why being bold and taking chances is such an important part of life.
Everything Happens for a Reason
BranJRNY Blog | 5/03/19
Everything Happens for a Reason. I have always believed this and the idea has brought me to where I am today. Check out my blog post I wrote for BrandJRNY on how a little event can change your life forever
Is Capturing the Perfect Moment Luck?
BranJRNY Blog | 3/15/19
See what it takes to capture that perfect moment. My blog post about the Wyoming East Warriors vs. Westside Renegades will tell it all
Player Profiles: Gary Jennings Jr. and Ezekiel Rose
Mountaineer Maniacs Blog | 10/12/18
My blog will feature two members of the WVU football team! It's your chance to learn a little more about them before they step out on the field
Player Profiles: David Sills V and David Long Jr.
Mountaineer Maniacs Blog | 9/7/18
My blog will feature two members of the WVU football team! It's your chance to learn a little more about them before they step out on the field
This is Adventure WV
Reed College of Media Blog | 4/9/18
Adventure West Virginia helped make a college transition easy and after 2 years I'm still talking about it! Here's my blog on why Adventure West Virginia is something every incoming student should be a part of
WVU PRSSA visits the PPG Paints Arena
Reed College of Media Blog | 1/25/18
West Virginia University has given me more career opportunities then I could have ever imagined. Every day the school shows me why I decided to leave my small town and become my own person. PRSSA is one of those reasons. This blog documents why this club and its trips are so imperative to having a successful career